Managing PWS - Home and Community
Community Resource List
An alphabetical listing of organizations that provide a wide variety of services for people with developmental disabilities.
Recreational Destinations
A list of parks, museums and other recreational destinations in the Salt Lake area that are ADA compliant and disability-friendy.
Planning for Quality Time
A list of home and community-based activities that a respite worker (or anyone) could reference for ideas on how to plan for quality time.
Day Program Review
A working list of day programs UPWSA families have used and brief reviews of their experiences with them.
Information for Siblings
This document discusses the ways to discuss PWS with a sibling. It can be a resource for understanding and coping with the PWS diagnosis from their perspective.
Siblings and Food
This document outlines some of the difficulties that come from the food relationship with PWS. There are many helpful suggestions on how to handle food security issues when it comes to siblings.